The range of services offered by CNS Institut consists of quantitative and qualitative surveys.
The typology and methodology of surveys vary according to the needs and budgets of each client.
The positioning survey is generally based on the analysis of the client's competitors. Competitive analysis allows our clients to adapt the price positioning of a product or a service.

An Ad Hoc analysis is a survey specifically made in order to meet a specific need of a company and/or get an answer to a specific problem.
The communication survey assists in better targeting of your customer campaign. This survey collects information from the "targeted" clients during the initial phase of correspondence, which allows for improved communication; in addition to understanding sensitive subjects that need to be addressed or on the contrary avoided.

This survey measures the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of BtB or BtC customers regarding a service or a product.
Creation of a fictitious persona, representing a target buyer or user profiles, realized through analysis of existing customers. It allows to develop a user scenarios for a product or a service, to establish a marketing or promotional strategy.

The management of all stages of production of our survey, allows us to guarantee the quality of each results. This is why we have chosen not to use outsourcing and concentrate our energy on developing a process based on our experience, and effective thanks to our strengths.
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